No visit to Istanbul is complete without taking time out of your sightseeing schedule to experience a real Turkish Bath. It is an authentic and exotic experience that helps you to left the postmodern world we live today. This culture is more than just a washing ritual, it is some kind of relaxing tradition which has been protected since Ottoman Empire.
Hamam (Turkish Bath) used to be places of entertainment, particularly for the women. For give an example, whole women from both groom’s and bride’s family make a celebration with food, music and dancing before the wedding. Maybe it is one of the oldest traditions has been keeping alive from Turkish people.
Tradition as a variant of the Roman bath, steambath, sauna, or Russian banya, distinguished by a focus on water, as distinct from ambient steam.
There are so many hammams to choose in Istanbul, it is hard to decide because of their similarity. Therefore, I will give you some tips and advices to deciding easily which one is more convenient and likeable.